Welcome to North Casnovia Baptist Church!

we desire to know christ and make him known.

Welcome to North Casnovia Baptist Church. We are a ministry committed to Christ-centered worship, biblical ministry, and expository preaching. The aim of our preaching is the forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ, our teaching is a life transformed reflecting His character, and our goal is equipping believers to spread the glory of God to everyone we come in contact with.

Join Us for Worship!


1625 N Canada Rd, Bailey, MI 49303


Sundays at 10:30am & 6pm

What We Believe

2 Peter 1:19

We are a body of believers whose main desire is to know Christ and to make Him known. Our goal is to be a church affirming a high view of God, a high view of Scripture, and a biblical view of man. We believe in expository preaching of the Scriptures. We hold firm to the Doctrines of Grace. We are Christ-focused, cross-centered, and Word-based. We believe in one true and living God, eternally existing in three persons and the authority and sovereignty of Scripture. We believe that man is totally unable to save himself, and that his only hope is found in the grace and mercy of Christ. Our only source of righteousness is the atoning death of Christ alone. We believe that Christ will return for His Redeemed and we anxiously await the establishment of His Kingdom on this earth. We welcome you to join us in this endeavor of pleasing the only One who is worthy!

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Latest Sermons


Colossians 1:28

In a culture of programs and techniques we purpose to be intentionally simple. To provide a church environment where the whole family collectively worships together with the primary theme the centrality of the cross. We offer Sunday school to all ages, prayer meetings on Wednesday along with kids activities during the school year.

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